Thursday 15 November 2018

Hi hotties! So sorry, I completely forgot to tell you that two people run this blog! I'll be going by CutiePie, and sign off every post with a CP. Happy hotting!-CP:)

Wednesday 14 November 2018

IMPORTANT: You must tell us what you want to see in order to give you hotties what you want! So please, comment if you want advice, stories, etc. Hope to see all your comments
being a hottie is very hard work. which means you need to sleep. like a lot. sleeping is good for you and a great conversation starter. talk to people about your dreams, how you slept, ect. just remember that you NEED your beauty sleep and trust me, it will be worth it. ttyl hotties.

First lesson in being a hottie: You must BELIEVE that you're a hottie. Anyone can be a hottie, but you can't be one unless you tell yourself at least 5 times an hour that you're cute. So get out there and show the world how hot you are!
In this blog, we will be talking about problems only hotties will understand. I promise, most people can relate to this, on god. So follow us to stay updated on us hotties :)